Terminator: Dark Fate (2019)

Up until about six months ago, I was almost certain that I was done with the Terminator universe for good. Having been sufficiently underwhelmed by Terminator Genisys back in 2015, I felt it was probably time to call it a day on this particular beloved franchise. That was, until, Linda Hamilton landed back on the…

Terminator Genisys (2015)

My relationship with the Terminator franchise is what I suppose you would describe as the ‘standard cinematic view’, meaning, of course, that whilst The Terminator and Terminator 2: Judgment Day rank among some of my favourite sci-fi/action films of all time, the less said about the two more recent sequels the better. Now, skip to a…

Top Ten: Christmas Movies

With only two weeks to go until the big day, I thought I’d throw my two cents in to the gigantic internet bucket full of articles exclaiming which of the endless reels of Christmas themed films are the best. I’ll admit that around the holidays I tend to watch the familiar comforts of The Sound…