Top Ten: Films Of 2017

Congratulations, if you’re reading this then you have made it through the absolute maelstrom that has been 2017. Several events this year, both political and social, have really taken the world aback, some for the better and some for much, much worse, and more than ever I have turned to the dark comfort of the…

The Greatest Showman (2017)

Merry Christmas everybody, and welcome to the week between the 25th and New Year’s Eve when nobody knows who they are, what day it is or what they are supposed to be doing. Whilst I am still struggling to figure out what the time is and what my own name is, I’m not quite delirious…

Pitch Perfect 3 (2017)

My relationship with the Pitch Perfect franchise has been a long and tumultuous one. Back in 2012, an overly harsh review of the first instalment was one of my earliest posts on Oh! That Film Blog. Though my attitude towards the original has almost completely changed over the course of five years, 2015’s Pitch Perfect…

Star Wars: The Last Jedi (2017)

Well, here we go again! In what has become my new favourite biennial Christmas tradition, Star Wars is back with another instalment of its main franchise series. Back in 2015, The Force Awakens reignited by passion for the galaxy far, far away, and last year’s first spin off picture Rogue One might just be my…

The Disaster Artist (2017)

There are two types of film lover in the world. There are those who have seen The Room (2003), and there are those who have not. For those who have yet to sample the legendary delight, The Room is a film written, directed, produced and starred in by Tommy Wiseau, a man of such mystery…

Suburbicon (2017)

Two new release choices greeted me upon my arrival to the brand spanking new Curzon cinema in my hometown of Oxford this week, both with great promise. After deciding that my early morning good mood wasn’t quite prepared to experience the inevitable horrors of human nature that Michael Haneke’s Happy End had to offer, I…