The Big Sick (2017)

After the turmoil filled journey that was Dunkirk, I listened to my heart and decided that I needed my next trip to the cinema to be something of a much lighter nature. Of course, me being me, the prospect of a straight forward romantic comedy wasn’t something that particularly appealed, so The Big Sick came…

Dunkirk (2017)

As a Brit born way, way after the end of the Second World War, it’s incredible to consider just how much of a lasting impact the 1940 evacuation of Dunkirk has had, both on my life and as a wider element of the cultural identity of the British people as a whole. The famous ‘Dunkirk…

The Beguiled (2017)

I will be the first to admit that I’m the kind of cinephile who is very much guided by star power. I’m much more likely to want to see a film that has a performer I like in it over any other leading factor, but there are a handful of directors whose projects will always…

It Comes At Night (2017)

Something I have found in my years watching and loving cinema is that the modern horror genre is particularly guilty of producing fantastic trailers that are followed by underwhelming films. However, when it came to the trailer for It Comes At Night, there was something about the pace and premise of the story that felt…

Baby Driver (2017)

Just so you know, when a film is marketed as being La La Land meets Grand Theft Auto, you can be damn sure that I’m going to be one of the first in line to see it. The hype for Edgar Wright’s latest big screen adventure has been growing for the past few months, and…