Southpaw (2015)

The sports movie seems to be an entity that has been in decline in the last ten or so years. Give or take a few broader themed exceptions such as The Blind Side, The Wrestler and Foxcatcher, it has been slim pickings for fans of the genre (of which I am one). Boxing and cinema have…

Inside Out (2015)

The start of the school summer holidays means two things for me, one, that my usually serene and stress free day time cinema trips become an exercise in small child avoidance, and two, that there will no doubt be a major release, most likely animated, that I will force me to brave the chatter filled,…

Ant-Man (2015)

Any long time readers of Oh! That Film Blog will know that my main cinematic blindspot is anything in the shape of a comic book superhero, particularly Marvel. The extent of my knowledge of this specific genre peaks with Tim Burton’s Batman Returns, and give or take a few Tobey Maguire Spider-Man venters in my…

Song Of The Sea (2014)

When it comes to animation in the cinematic universe, you know that a film is going to be pretty special if it isn’t part of the Disney/Pixar/Dreamworks/Aardman/Studio Ghibli juggernaut train and still manages to pick up wide, mainstream distribution. In the case of Song Of The Sea, it’s already huge reputation proceeded it as it…

Magic Mike XXL (2015)

Well, here we are again. Back in 2012 I was very pleasantly surprised to discover that Magic Mike, what I thought would be a complete waste of time picture solely focused on raising box office dollars by appealing to thirsty women, was in fact a rather funny, at times touching and even a little seedy…

Terminator Genisys (2015)

My relationship with the Terminator franchise is what I suppose you would describe as the ‘standard cinematic view’, meaning, of course, that whilst The Terminator and Terminator 2: Judgment Day rank among some of my favourite sci-fi/action films of all time, the less said about the two more recent sequels the better. Now, skip to a…