Top Ten: Childhood Films

Some of my earliest and best memories are of the many children’s films my parents used to stick on to get me out of their hair for an hour or two. I could get in to a real nostalgic mess and make a list of fifty, but to save my sanity and your patience, here…

Wreck-It Ralph (2012)

I knew nothing about Disney’s latest offering before I went to see it, not even a look at a trailer. Risky business with today’s cinema prices in mind but I’m happy to report that Wreck-It Ralph is probably the company’s best release since 2010’s Tangled. Other than the story’s original and clever setting, the plot…

Hitchcock (2012)

In a severe case of bad timing, Hitchcock seems to have appeared with little fanfare and been unfairly compared (in the UK, at least) to the BBC’s Boxing Day drama The Girl, which detailed the making of Hitchcock’s avian horror The Birds and the unsavoury relationship that he had with its star Tippi Hedren. Whereas…

Django Unchained (2012)

I used to be a huge Tarantino fan, Pulp Fiction and Jackie Brown being two of my all time favourites. But I feel that over the years he has lost his way, either because his ego got the better of him or the people around him stopped trying to restrain him for the better. As…

Lincoln (2012)

The West Wing is one of my favourite television shows of all time, and I am happy to report that Lincoln is a smokier and beard-ier 19th century version of it. Some critics have been unimpressed with what they have felt is a lot of “talk and no action”, but a movie that is mostly focused…