Diana (2013)

Sixteen years on and it appears that the moral statute of limitations on the life, times and death of Diana Spencer, Princess of Wales, is well and truly up. Quite frankly I’m surprised it has taken this long for a major film depicting any aspect of her life to be made, but if the quality…

I’d Like To Thank The Academy…

A quick time out from my semi-educated ramblings on cinematic adventures to celebrate the fact that I have been selected by a fellow blogger to receive The Liebster Award. That’s right bitches, I am now officially big time. This electronic honour has been bestowed on me by all round awesome blogger ‘V’ over at The Verbal…

Top Ten: Underrated Disney Songs

My original idea for today’s Top Ten was to compile a list of my favourite Disney songs, but then I thought, does the internet really need another article repeating just how good ‘Part Of Your World’, ‘Be Our Guest’, ‘The Bare Necessities’ and ‘A Whole New World’ are? I concluded that it did not, and…

Lovelace (2013)

All I knew about the eponymous protagonist of this story before sitting down to watch Lovelace was exactly that, her name. The phrases ‘Linda Lovelace’ and ‘Deepthroat‘ were, for me, stored in that part of the brain that holds information that is encountered years before you are old enough to really understand what it is…