Top Ten: Movie Musicals

To put it lightly, I’m a bastard for a musical. In fact, whittling this list down to ten may just be the most difficult task I will ever undertake for this blog. There is something about expressing one’s emotions in song that I cannot get enough of. Need directions to the shops? Sing it. Facing…

The Paperboy (2012)

Where do I start? Perhaps I should begin by confessing that I love a bit of sleaze, think The Rocky Horror Picture Show, Blue Velvet or Tarantino at his exploitative best in Jackie Brown. The trailer for The Paperboy, the story of a group of journalists and their involvement in a death row appeal case,…

Robot & Frank (2012)

Set in what is shrewdly captioned “the near future”, Robot & Frank is the tale of an elderly man and his relationship with a state of the art robotic health worker, annoyingly (and perhaps poignantly) never named. We learn that Frank, played by his namesake Frank Langella, used to be a jewellery thief, and whilst he…

Stoker (2013)

I just spent a good ten minutes attempting to come up with a witty and original tagline to go with the title of this review, but eventually had to admit defeat and go with three words that sum up Stoker perfectly… what the hell? The plot centres around India Stoker (Mia Wasikowska) and her mother Evelyn…