Lucy (2014)

Lucy, the latest offering from acclaimed French director Luc Besson is a cerebral science-fiction thriller starring Scarlett Johansson that explores the myth that humans only use ten percent of their brain capacity, and the consequences that might occur should further percentage use be unlocked. My relationship with sci-fi in cinema is very much routed in…

Guardians Of The Galaxy (2014)

I have a confession to make. I have never, ever, seen a Marvel film. For years I have nodded along in quiet agreement with anybody who preached the wonders of Iron Man, Thor, Captain America, The Avengers and so on, never having seen a single second of any of them. There was something about Marvel’s…

Robin Williams: 1951-2014

This morning, I awoke to a three word text from a friend that shook the sleep from my eyes and put a knot in my stomach, “RIP Robin Williams”. In the hour that followed I watched the news channel piece together what has to be the saddest Hollywood death in recent memory. Contemplating the apparent…


Hercules (2014)

As a child growing up in the 1990s, back when wrestling was still the WWF rather than WWE, The Rock was pretty much the coolest person on the planet. Way before I had any idea of who ‘Dwayne Johnson’ was, The Rock was strolling around giving everybody the people’s elbow and generally being a world…